jasmin! i love this and i love you!

re: "August is as far from chill"... that makes sense because it's a very hot month!

re: "I’m completely thrilled" ... i'm completely thrilled that you're completely thrilled!

august, more thrill than chill!

re: "Do you stop and really, truly give yourself credit where credit is due?"

great question! thank you!

re: "oovy-groovy"

great word!

re: "when and why are worms in a can?"

GREAT question!

re: "I’m always the after picture for something, but I’m also the before picture for something else. We all are."

that is wonderful. also we're the DURING picture for right now! (credit to mitch hedberg who asked "where are all the During pictures?"

re: "I’m trying to create new neural pathways"

i bet you're doing it!

putting the "new" in "newral"

(i'm creating new spelling pathways)

re: "I fancy myself an amateur witch"

i fancy you that as well!

re: "none of us really knows what tomorrow will have in store"

oh i do

(ask me in two days and i'll tell you)

i love it all! i love you! thank you for sharing all this!

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Myq, I adore your brain. I love the "during" picture! Also, "putting the 'new' in 'neural'" :) xoxox

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jasmin! happy anniversary(ish) to this lovely comment!

i love you!

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and my brain adores you!

thank you friend!

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Love this. Life is hard enough without us being hard on ourselves. I power through too often and it catches up to you. I seem to only slow down when I get hurt. Now I have a broken arm which is making me so grateful for health insurance, a job where I can work from home and a caring husband. The goal I've been working towards for 17 years is getting a black belt, but I keep getting hurt trying to achieve it. Now I am seriously thinking about abandoning that goal. I'm not sure I have much to pat myself on the back about with martial arts anymore. It's a struggle for me right now because I don't want to be a quitter, but I'm literally broken because of practicing it.

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