dear mariann,

thank you as always for your compassionate and thoughtful words.

like this: "animals are amazing and we shouldn’t harm them if we don’t have to. It’s not ethical rocket science."

i'd also like to give a shout-out to buddhism (have those words ever been said?) which isn't necessarily a religion and does not have a concept of an omnipotent god but DOES have the goal of achieving the end of suffering for all sentient beings in the universe. big fan of that! (full disclosure: i am not a practicing buddhist, so far just a big fan, so views here may not entirely accurately represent buddhism because i am a fallible human doing my best only and i think and hope i got close enough)

thank you for sharing as always!



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Love it thanks. And of course, if people feel the need for a non-religious, naturalistic "ism" or worldview that cares deeply about non-human animals, there's Sentientism! "Evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings." Here's a wonderful interview I was lucky enough to do... https://youtu.be/pAOdh7eWbn8 :)

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