May 23Liked by Mariann Sullivan

dear mariann,

thank you as always for your kind and wise words.

i appreciate this: "Sometimes, we have to take a step back and think about the big questions, but the only way to do that is to envision a vegan world. Once we allow ourselves to have the vision, the vision starts to maybe, then definitely, seem possible."

much love!


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Jun 14Liked by Mariann Sullivan

Great post. Like I say in my latest post, I don't think we will ever have a vegan world. I don't think enough people care enough, and I doubt they ever will. It's like envisioning a world without wars - it will never fully happen, IMO. Does this mean we should stop campaigning, stop working towards a vegan world or a world without wars? Absolutely not. We should keep doing the work we do, simply because it's the right thing to do. And we might (and probably will) get much, much closer to a vegan world than we are now. Which is totally worth fighting for.

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May 23Liked by Mariann Sullivan

The economic element is certainly central to any potential solution. Right now, as you correctly point out, there is simply too much economic incentive in the global food production and supply chain. Jem Bendell discusses this in his thoughtful book Breaking Together, “We need to help each other reclaim our lives and communities from an expansionist, plant-destroying economic machine that serves the interests of elites.” On that point, I agree...but I am cautious because when systems break down, it threatens old stories of self-esteem and safety...and some will cling harder to those stories in illogical and violent ways.

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